Notice is hereby given for the following Public Hearing to be held by the Eaton Rapids Zoning Board of Appeals on June 14, 2023, at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall, 200 S. Main Street, Eaton Rapids.
Said Hearing will be for the purpose of reviewing a variance application for the following:
Scott Paradis, Eaton Rapids, Michigan is requesting a variance for Article XVIII, Section 18.20 – Accessory Buildings and Structures (A) Accessory building located no closer than 10 feet to any main building, for parcel no. 300-061-000-610-00, property commonly known as 209 N. Donegal Street. Homeowner seeks to construct garage/shed 7.6 feet from garage.
Owners of property within 300 feet of the above parcels have been mailed a notice of this hearing. All interested parties will be given the opportunity to be heard.
Questions may be directed to LeRoy Hummel, City Building Official at (517) 237-3799. Interested parties may comment in person at the public hearing or in writing through June 13, 2023 and addressed to LeRoy Hummel at 200 S. Main St., Eaton Rapids, MI 48827 or
Laura Boomer
City Clerk