Building & Zoning
LeRoy Hummel
(517) 237-3799
Fax: (517) 663-1116
Are you thinking about doing those home improvement projects? It is important that you check with the Building and Zoning Department first to see what requirements or permits are needed before you start your interior or exterior project(s).
The purpose of codes, ordinances and permits is to establish minimum requirements to safeguard the safety, health and general welfare of property owners, future owners, the general public and emergency responders during emergency operations.
The Assessing Department maintains all City property records including name and address changes, transfer affidavits, homestead exemptions and parcel descriptions. The Assessor establishes the true cash (fair market) value of real and personal property within the City for the purpose of levying property taxes.
To apply for a Permit, please contact the Building Inspector at (517) 237-3799. You can also pick-up a permit at City Hall. Office Hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30 – 4:00 p.m.
Download the form that you need below:
Planning Commission Applications
Zoning Applications
Zoning Board of Appeals Application
Pay for a Permit
You can pay during regular business hours at City Hall with cash, check, or credit/debit card.
Or click the link below to make an electronic payment.
About Leroy Hummel
LeRoy Hummel has 30 years of experience in construction, inspections, and code enforcement. He has been with the city of Eaton Rapids for five years. He has extensive experience related to zoning administration, site evaluation, construction planning and oversight.
Prior to his role with the City of Eaton Rapids, LeRoy was the Building Official in nearby Charlotte for over 20 years.