I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving! Several months ago, the city applied for a grant through the State of Michigan’s Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). This grant provides necessary funding to cities so they can make upgrades to their wastewater system. Based on projected costs of $4,200,000, we received a grant in the amount of $2,120,000 for this project. We issued bonds for the remaining $2,120,000.
The work will start in the spring, and 2 contractors have been awarded to complete the capital improvements to the Wastewater Treatment Plant, and three (3) lift-pumping stations. This work is necessary to improve our sanitary/wastewater system throughout the city and ensure the health and safety of our residents. I want to thank City Manager Ridge, Utility Director Pierce, and Treasurer Allen, for working so diligently to make sure we would get this grant and subsequently, the important improvements to our wastewater system.
Congratulations to William Steele and Kenneth Nicholas for being re-elected to City Council, and in January, we will welcome new councilmember Deb Malewski, who will represent precinct 1. I also want to thank outgoing councilmember, Suzanne Politza, for her hard work and dedication to the City the last 4 years. It’s been great working with her, and I thank her for her contribution to our recycling committee, selling bricks, passing out numerous flyers and for being a dedicated member of our council. She will be missed but wish her all the best in her future endeavors.
As we enter the holiday season, a reminder that Hometown Family Christmas, sponsored by the Eaton Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce, will be Saturday, December 2nd, with all day events, the lighted parade at 6pm and the grand finally of lighting the city’s Christmas Tree immediately following the parade, at the entrance of G.A.R Island Park. You can find more details on the Chamber’s Facebook page.
Last, we have several openings on various board. If you have an interest in serving our community, please reach out to me at pcolestock@cityofeatonrapids.gov.
Mayor Pam Colestock